A part time Finance Director will be a valued part of your management team. We bring fresh ideas; many of the problems a SME will encounter have been seen and solved before. In addition we can be an impartial sounding board for your business ideas.
We put you back in control. Together we will set targets and objectives so the business can be driven rather than managed reactively.
We free up your time – you focus on sales and business development. You play to your strengths and let your part time FD manage development of the financial systems.
We focus heavily on cash flow and working capital management. We believe that for SMEs cash still reigns supreme.
The timely production of relevant and accurate management information will enable you to know how your business is performing. Once identified, problems can become opportunities to improve business performance.
Improved credibility with Banks/Funders and other external authorities (Auditors, Tax authorities etc). We fill the gap between your bookkeeper and external accountant. Both of these are valuable technicians but they rarely have the first hand commercial experience that your part time FD will bring. We bring a forward-looking focus to finance, rather than solely relying on historical reporting and compliance. Running a business on historical accounts alone is like driving a car by looking in the rear view mirror.
“Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity and cash is King” attributed to (among others) Alex Spanos